On a quiet December evening in 1904 in Charleston, S.C., three friends—Andrew Kroeg, Simon Fogarty and Harry Mixson—made a choice to lead. Those three men chose to start their own fraternity. The three grew to seven; seven grew to eight; eight grew to 11. From the College of Charleston, they spread to nearby Presbyterian in 1907—and then to California in 1909. In just over four years, Pi Kappa Phi had become a truly national fraternity. Over the course of a century, a fraternity with humble beginnings has grown into a brotherhood of more than 120,000 strong.


I believe that the ideal chapter is made up of men

Who are bound together in a common loyalty
which transcends any personal selfishness;

Who realize that membership means personal responsibility
in bearing their share of the financial burden
of the chapter and the national organization;

Who bring credit to the fraternity by striving to attain
the highest possible standards of scholarship;

Who safeguard the reputation of their chapter
by keeping careful watch over their personal conduct;

Who uphold faithfully the traditions
and activities of their college;

Who prepare themselves diligently to shoulder their
full responsibility as citizens;

I believe that my chapter can become an ideal chapter,
and I shall do my share to make it so.


The Ability Experience is the philanthropic initiative of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity that remains, to this day, an unparalleled success in the Greek world. Founded in 1977, we strive to instill a passion for lifelong service in our fraternity members while helping to empower people living with disabilities.

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Our Mission

To create an uncommon and lifelong brotherhood that develops leaders and encourages service to others for the betterment of our communities.

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Our Vision

A future where every Pi Kappa Phi embraces his role as a leader, puts service before self and improves the world around him.

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Our Public Values

Common Loyalty, Personal Responsibility, Achievement, Accountability, Campus Involvement, Responsible Citizenship, Lifelong Commitment.